Archivo de la etiqueta: Como diagnosticar disco duro de portátil

Como diagnosticar el disco duro del portátil, con PassMark DiskCheckup, ver el estado del disco duro

passmark_fallo_discoduro_1-donderepararportatil.comPassMark DiskCheckup es uno de los muchos programas que sirven para monitorizar los discos duros de nuestros portátiles usando la información obtenida de la tecnología S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology), con este sistema se puede obtener información valiosa como el tiempo de giro, la temperatura del disco duro, el número de ciclos de arranque/parada, las horas de trabajo.

Para que funcione esta característica tiene que estar activo en la bios del portátil la función SMART, pudiendo recibir el programa y el administrador del portátil los datos y las predicciones sobre posibles fallos futuros.

En Donde Reparar Portátil hemos visto que con PassMark DiskCheckup también puedes conseguir mucha información adicional sobre tu disco y muy valiosa según el caso de cada uno, como el número de serie, número de modelo, versión del firmware, capacidad, número de cilindros, etc.

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DiskCheckup muestra los valores en tiempo real de los valores SMART, y el valor medio de ese campo, si el valor en tiempo real cae por debajo del umbral de seguridad, eso quiere decir que no se garantiza el correcto funcionamiento del disco duro por ese parámetro que está fallando y el sistema alerta de un fallo inminente, dando tiempo a salvar los datos antes que sean irrecuperables.

Capturas de Pantalla de DisckCheckup de PassMark


A continuación dejamos algún información original del programa en Ingles, para quien quiera profundizar mas en su funcionamiento y características


E-mail notification when Threshold Exceed Condition detected

DiskCheckup can be configured to perform e-mail notification when a SMART attribute has been detected to be less than the allowable threshold value. Such threshold values are determined by the hard disk manufacturer. For a drive to be considered “good”, all the SMART attributes must be above these values. Different SMART attributes have different threshold values. For more configuration options, refer to the screen shot below.

System requirements

A hard drive that supports SMART, plus compatible drivers. Most recent hard drives (SATA/USB/FireWire) are OK but drives connected via SCSI or hardware RAID are not supported. Drives configured as software RAID (dynamic disks) via Windows Disk Management will also work.

Price & Company License

DiskCheckup is free for personal use. Company licenses can be purchased for $15 USD per license. Discounts apply for multiple licenses. For a quote on multiple licenses or more information , please contact Click to send mail (JavaScript required)

Customizing DiskCheckup

DiskCheckup is built with PassMark’s SysInfo DLL SDK. If you would like to use this technology in your application, please check out theSysInfo DLL SDK or contact us at Click to send mail (JavaScript required)


Double click on the DiskCheckup.exe installer file to run the DiskCheckup installer. Additional information is provided in the included HTML help files. You can view them from DiskCheckup’s help button/menu or open the start page “index.html” in the “HELP” folder.

Known issues

  • Hardware RAID and SCSI are not supported. But dynamic disks (software RAID) are supported.
  • The Silicon Image SIL0680 Ultra-133 ATA RAID Controller has a bug which can cause a system lockup when the SMART data is accessed.. This bug exists in the current driver version, and presumably in previous versions.
  • TEC predictions about future failure dates should be taken as a guide only and should not be considered accurate.
  • The majority of newer drives connected via USB and Firewire are supported. However, older drives may not be supported due to the protocol bridge on the hard disk not supporting SMART commands)

Specific Disclaimer on Failure Predictions

The SmartDisk DLL SDK and DiskCheckup utilizes statistical analysis to predict possible failure dates of hard disk drives. Because there are no ‘certainties’ in statistical analysis, PassMark® Software Pty Ltd disclaims all liability for any and all costs incurred by either:

1) The hard disk drive failing before the predicted failure date estimated by the application, or
2) The hard disk drive continuing to function beyond the predicted failure date estimated by the application.

In either situation, PassMark® disclaims liability for any losses due to loss or damage to data. PassMark® further disclaims any liability for costs incurred in anticipation of a disk drive failure that does not eventuate (e.g. replacement hard disk drives, transfer time, downtime, etc).

This disclaimer is in addition to the Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability mentioned elsewhere in the EULA and on this website.